Professor Ian Robertson
Neuroscientist, Psychologist, Author & Global Authority on Performance
As a neuroscientist and clinical psychologist, Ian has a unique ability to bridge the gap between brain science, human psychology and the personal challenges that every single person on the planet faces from time to time. His books include The Stress Test, Mind Sculpture, The Mind’s Eye, Stay Sharp, The Winner Effect and How Confidence Works, which have been reviewed, excerpted or covered across the world from CBS News to The Times of India and The London Times to the Guardian and CNN’s Sanjay Gupta. Ian Robertson is Professor Emeritus at Trinity College Dublin, Director of the Global Brain Health Trust and Distinguished Research Professor at the University of Texas at Dallas. He has also held senior appointments at, Columbia, Cambridge, London and Toronto universities.
An international expert on mind-brain links in thought and emotion, Ian will explore how stress is a form of energy that can be harnessed. Excitement, anger and stress are virtually indistinguishable to the brain until you put a label on them. They are all states of arousal to prepare for action and the body doesn’t care whether that is running away, celebrating or fighting. Equally, confidence is a set of mental, physical and emotional habits which can be learned and applied to any context – professional or personal.